New feature
- [HZ-1363] A new counter is available to retrieve the number of visits of every user in their communities.
- [HZ-1360] It's now possible to define a custom community edit form
User Experience
- [HZ-1730] The label "global" for the main nav in the left community was changed by something more explicit
- [HZ-1365] A new powershell cmdlet is available to remove all the timer jobs
- [HZ-1359] Improvement on error management in apps connectors
- [HZ-1348] Improvement on error management in authoring WCM service
User Experience
- [HB-1136] The list displaying users waiting for their password include now a "load more" feature if there is more than 200 users concerned
- [HB-1154] With retina display some "mini profiles" are not correctly displayed
- [HB-1157] In the medium size resolution (M) the user avatar is not well displayed
- [HB-1160] Some resources are missing in the portal settings screen
- [HB-1162] It was no more possible to remove a column in a table
- [HB-1163] It was no more possible to remove a community category
- [HB-1165] The communities categories maybe be not correctly sorted
- [HB-1169] In popup mode some issues with rating may occurs
- [HB-1173] Improved error management when circles were created with bad characters
- [HB-1175] Field length is not defined correctly for "Function" field
- [HB-1155] Some additional special characters are now escaped in the synchronization.
- [HB-1167] In some cases some SQL locks may occurs by the CreateCustomNotifications method
User Experience
- [APPS-582] [Calendar] - Coor picker is not working in IE11
- [APPS-583] [Document Management] Missing resources in the approbation notification title
- [APPS-584] [Document Management] Fix an issue when trying to access to an approbation notification that was already processed
- [APPS-585] [Calendar] An image is missing in the audience selector
- [APPS-587] [Calendar] Issue with the widget when an event contains HTML tags
- [APPS-592] [Classified Ads] Issue with copy/paste in the category name
- [APPS-578] Russian translation were updated
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