- [HZ-1271] Unread notification older than 60 days are now removed automaticaly. This value can be updated by the administrators
- [HZ-1275] A new user synchronization post processing is now available to refresh the cache containing the profiles at the end of the process
- [HZ-1276] A new user synchronization post processing is now available to synchronize groups of a user
- [HZ-1277] Ability to define the profile fields used by the quick user search
User Experience
- [HZ-1274] A contributor can now disable the ability to like or comment a post when a document is published
- [HB-1121] Improvements with token expiration when the ADFS token expire in the CMS editor. This improvement generate a transparent authentication process to retrieve the new token
User Experience
- [HB-1106] Some filters were not working in the community supervision feature
- [HB-1109] In case of windows authentication the author was not retrieved in the calendar widget in a CMS page
- [HB-1110] The hour displayed in the calendar widget was not localized depending on the user regional settings
- [HB-1111] Fix issues with the Chrome browser when trying to add a link on a picture in the CMS editor
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